Monday, February 10, 2014

There is no app for that.

So far, I have been a horrible blogger. I haven't posted anything on this blog for a year and a half...

So I am not blogging ever again.

Instead, I am journaling. Hopefully it goes better now that I have lowered my expectations of myself.

This journal is about me, written by me, to me. Yes, you are reading it, but that's ok. I am letting you eavesdrop on this conversation. Maybe you'll learn from my mistakes and avoid them in your own life. Perhaps you will LOL at my expense, and I am ok with that too. If at all possible, stop me from blowing it big time if you see me on track to blow it big time.

But enough about you. This is about me.

Someday I really need to go back and try to journal what has happened in the last 18 months since adopting the three girls. I guess I have been able to justify in my mind that I didn't have to journal since Emily blogs about our family 7-10 times a week. But yesterday I realized that I am at a loss today because I don't have a catalog of blogs, er, journals to look back on and to share with others.

Ross and Jessica are adopting two kids from foster care. They are just meeting them for the first time, and Ross needs someone who has gone through the same thoughts, feelings, emotions, uncertainties, mistakes, etc, that he is going through right now.

I am that guy.

I wish I had something he could read that might help him as he is going through the steps, but I don't. I could have, but I didn't do it. I'll just have to be there in person. There really is no app or formula for adopting. All the more reason to be there for Ross.

And all the more reason to keep journaling.